About the studio

Irina Kozyreva’s eastern dance studio was founded on 15th July 2004.
About 2000 Krasnodar inhabitants and people from Krasnodar region and other regions of our country have studied here since then.

Girls and women of different age come to our studio and as a rule they are without any choreographical grounding.
We teach on the basis of the Egyptian school, including traditional attributes (shawl, sagats, cane, tambourine). We study classical dance and folklore. Such dances as saidi, khaligi, baladi, haggala, nubia, ascandarani, dabkeh and other are included into the programme.
There’s also an Indian classical dance class in our studio, where we teach two styles: Kathak and Bharata Natyam.
In the class of folk dance we teach folklore of various peoples.
Annually we conduct such events as:
- national dance festival “Eastern Starfalling” which anyone cane take part in. it is so to say a report concert about the work done;
- “Eastern Disco” on a motor ship;
- We meet the New Year and celebrate every birthday of the Studio in the country.

If you drop in, you will be able to feel and estimate the warmth and aura of the eastern hospitality.
We are always glad to meet you!